Isaac’s keynote presentations pull from personal experience, adversity and accomplishments to deliver a worthwhile and engaging message for the audience.


Below are 3 of his 1-hour keynote presentations:

  1. The 5 P’s of Life

What’s your life philosophy?  Isaac’s keynote presentation “The 5 P’s of Life” (Perspective, Persistence, Pizzazz, Play, & People) provides insight into how these 5 P’s can be applied in any situation to provide the inspiration to push through adversities in life.


  1. How to Network in College

It’s the people we know, or rather the people we choose to meet, who will greatly impact the trajectory of our lives. Our peers affect our study habits. Our mentors influence our professional career choices. Our network has the power to determine our future.


Pulling from How to Network in College, this presentation serves as both a template and a testimony. Studying the practice of networking has changed Isaac’s life as well as the lives of the 65 college undergraduates in the Profound Ivy mentoring program. Instead of giving up at the first sign of difficulty, we empower ourselves with the following question: who can I ask to help me in this situation?


Sharing these insights and strategies with students can open up new doors and opportunities, any one of which may alter their lives for the better.


  1. Diversity & Inclusion: Changing diversity from a static noun to an action verb

Do I as an individual have the power to create change? Is my voice alone powerful enough to make a difference?


In this powerful and oftentimes uncomfortable conversation, Isaac engages with the audience to 1) clearly define what diversity looks and feels like and 2) define how each and every one of us can take immediate action to maintain or enhance campus inclusivity. At the end of the presentation, students will know how to transform diversity from a static noun into an action verb and become a positive force on campus.